Liz Brunton was our worship leader on Sun, Jan 19, 2025. She shared during worship, to join in the book study offered by the Racial Justice Team of the PA Southeast Conference of the United Church of Christ. It begins this Tues, Jan 21st. It is free. To register, see the link:
St. Paul’s Super Bowl “Take & Bake” Pizza Sale – Who doesn’t love a good pizza during the Super Bowl?? We are having a “Take & Bake” pizza sale on Sunday, February 9th. Each 12” pizza will be prepared, with instructions, to take home and bake. The options are cheese, pepperoni, and sausage and pricing is as follows: Cheese - $9.00/ Pepperoni or Sausage - $9.50. Orders will be taken through Feb 2nd and the pick-up date is Feb 9th at the church between 11:00am -2:30pm. Order forms are in the Sunday bulletin or contact the church office at 610-582-8461 and leave a message.
**We will need some assistance assembling the pizzas and prepping for pick up. If you’re able to help, please be in contact with Dave or Diane Johnson.
**We will need some assistance assembling the pizzas and prepping for pick up. If you’re able to help, please be in contact with Dave or Diane Johnson.
Would you like a STAR Word for 2025? In worship on Epiphany Sunday, January 5th, we distributed Star Words for the coming year. If you were unable to join us in person, it’s not too late to receive your Star gift! Please let us know if you’d like one mailed to you in the comments below or by calling the church office at 610-582-8461.
The use of star words, also called “star gifts,” is a prayer practice connected to Epiphany and the new year that has been growing in popularity in Protestant churches for nearly a decade now. The idea is that a list of intention words, or guiding words, are written or printed on paper stars. These paper stars are then arranged, most commonly face down in a large basket. Individuals are invited to draw a word from the basket and use that word as a guiding word throughout the year. Typically, participants are encouraged to trust the word they have drawn, and not to replace the word. Individuals are often encouraged to place their star word somewhere they will see it regularly throughout the year to allow consistent reflection on how God has moved through, around, or in connection to that word.
There Are Several Theological Statements Being Made in this Tradition:
The Magi followed a star, which ultimately led them to Jesus. Therefore, we too use all the resources we have available to us—including creative prayer practices and intention words for the new year—to move closer to Jesus.
We trust that God uses multiple ways to guide us and speak to us. Star words offer a tool to actively seek and reflect on God's presence among us, both in the moment and in hindsight.
We recognize that it is often easy to miss God throughout our daily lives. Having an intention word to consider both in present days, as well as to reflect on at the end of the year, allows for us to see God in ways we may not have seen God before. This is the greatest gift.
The use of star words, also called “star gifts,” is a prayer practice connected to Epiphany and the new year that has been growing in popularity in Protestant churches for nearly a decade now. The idea is that a list of intention words, or guiding words, are written or printed on paper stars. These paper stars are then arranged, most commonly face down in a large basket. Individuals are invited to draw a word from the basket and use that word as a guiding word throughout the year. Typically, participants are encouraged to trust the word they have drawn, and not to replace the word. Individuals are often encouraged to place their star word somewhere they will see it regularly throughout the year to allow consistent reflection on how God has moved through, around, or in connection to that word.
There Are Several Theological Statements Being Made in this Tradition:
The Magi followed a star, which ultimately led them to Jesus. Therefore, we too use all the resources we have available to us—including creative prayer practices and intention words for the new year—to move closer to Jesus.
We trust that God uses multiple ways to guide us and speak to us. Star words offer a tool to actively seek and reflect on God's presence among us, both in the moment and in hindsight.
We recognize that it is often easy to miss God throughout our daily lives. Having an intention word to consider both in present days, as well as to reflect on at the end of the year, allows for us to see God in ways we may not have seen God before. This is the greatest gift.
Check out the Community Courier. It features our very own Pastor Deb’s installation and our church’s efforts to start a mutual aid network. This is great timing as we are just putting together our presentation and speaking points for inviting community members back again for another one of our meetings. This article brings our outreach back into people’s thoughts and shows we're still moving forward after a long pause. This news story can be beneficial as we are about to reach out to community members and invite them to meet with us. Read the story at Community Courier.
Flower Sponsor Calendar has openings in January. If you would like to honor or memorialize a loved one by sponsoring altar flowers, please contact Wanda Druzba 610-385-3382 or, or see her at church. Thank you!
The February 2025 Congregational Meeting will be held February 2nd, following worship. The 2024 end of year financials will be presented.
Caring Closet
Ashley Griffith, the coordinator for the Daniel Boone School District’s “Caring Closet” sent a flyer to the church asking for the following:
* Boys underwear for our Primary Center & Intermediate Center, S-XL & 4/5-12; & all sizes for Middle & High School
* Girls underwear for our Primary Center & Intermediate Center, S-XL & 4/5-12; & all sizes for Middle & High School
* Universal Items such as applesauce squeeze pouches & individual goldfish snacks; children’s toothpaste & toothbrushes; deodorant; tampons & panty liners
* Sweatpants of all sizes are always needed for Middle & High School
* New food pantry items for Middle & High School: Peanut Butter; Jelly; Canned soups, Canned beans, Canned chicken, Canned tuna, canned meat (Spam), etc
These are just a few items they are requesting. For more details, see Caring Closet flyer on bulletin board.
Bible Study is held in the upper room in the church each Sunday beginning at 8:30am. Join us for good conversation and discussion about the books of the bible.
“Prayers of the People” – Our current Elders will be holding meetings on the 3rd Thursday evening of each month at 6pm via Zoom. All are welcome including phone participants. Contact Pat Babel at 484-949-5033 to be included in the email distribution. Thank you!
Rental Space Available at St Paul’s
Do you have an upcoming event? Are you part of a group that is looking for space to hold meetings? Are you interested in a quiet space to work? If so, there are several options available here at St. Paul’s UCC-Birdsboro that may work for you. Both the Christian Education Building and the Church Building have spaces that you can rent. These spaces can be used for, but are not limited to:
Group Meetings, Conference Space, Office/Work Space, Classes, Parties, Receptions
Rates vary depending on the frequency that the space will be used. We also provide special rates for non-profit organizations. If you have questions or are interested in renting a space, please contact the church office.
The February 2025 Congregational Meeting will be held February 2nd, following worship. The 2024 end of year financials will be presented.
Caring Closet
Ashley Griffith, the coordinator for the Daniel Boone School District’s “Caring Closet” sent a flyer to the church asking for the following:
* Boys underwear for our Primary Center & Intermediate Center, S-XL & 4/5-12; & all sizes for Middle & High School
* Girls underwear for our Primary Center & Intermediate Center, S-XL & 4/5-12; & all sizes for Middle & High School
* Universal Items such as applesauce squeeze pouches & individual goldfish snacks; children’s toothpaste & toothbrushes; deodorant; tampons & panty liners
* Sweatpants of all sizes are always needed for Middle & High School
* New food pantry items for Middle & High School: Peanut Butter; Jelly; Canned soups, Canned beans, Canned chicken, Canned tuna, canned meat (Spam), etc
These are just a few items they are requesting. For more details, see Caring Closet flyer on bulletin board.
Bible Study is held in the upper room in the church each Sunday beginning at 8:30am. Join us for good conversation and discussion about the books of the bible.
“Prayers of the People” – Our current Elders will be holding meetings on the 3rd Thursday evening of each month at 6pm via Zoom. All are welcome including phone participants. Contact Pat Babel at 484-949-5033 to be included in the email distribution. Thank you!
Rental Space Available at St Paul’s
Do you have an upcoming event? Are you part of a group that is looking for space to hold meetings? Are you interested in a quiet space to work? If so, there are several options available here at St. Paul’s UCC-Birdsboro that may work for you. Both the Christian Education Building and the Church Building have spaces that you can rent. These spaces can be used for, but are not limited to:
Group Meetings, Conference Space, Office/Work Space, Classes, Parties, Receptions
Rates vary depending on the frequency that the space will be used. We also provide special rates for non-profit organizations. If you have questions or are interested in renting a space, please contact the church office.